How to Build Your Personal Brand Online

 How to Build Your Personal Brand Online If you want to build your personal brand, you need to show off! From blogging to being present on social media, learn how to create your online persona.


How do you build your own personal brand in today’s digital age? Well, it’s not easy. The digital age is moving very fast, but everything is on your fingertips. What do I mean by that? Tell me a time that you went out of your house without your cell phone. Did it feel like you were naked?. Everybody’s carrying their iPhones, iPads, maybe even their small GoPros.

Show Off What You Do

The whole point of that is you’ve got to stay connected. You kind of want to show off everything you do. You want to let people know what you talk about at every panel you sit on, whether it’s an executive summit, some management consulting, or whether you’re talking about new laws and regulations that are coming on within your state. You want to make sure you let people know that you are involved with these panels and with these interviews. This allows the person to go back to that trust factor of “This is what Josh is doing. This is why I believe in his work; this is why I may want to hire him.”

Creating an Online Presence

So how do you build that individual online presence? It starts with your iPhone. It starts with the content of your posts and with creating your own blog. Maybe it’s even creating your own Instagram page. If you’re an attorney, I would probably recommend you use Twitter and LinkedIn, because you’re going to want to focus your content on your professional work: all the cases that you have worked on that you can disclose, and all the articles that you are involved in. On the other hand, I don’t think LinkedIn is way to go for a model. You might want to think about using an Instagram page or a Pinterest page, where you keep all your content, pictures, and work. Same thing goes with photography.

Build in Customer Delight

So what do these things do? Why is it important to post this content? It helps you create customer delight, which is what keeps your consumers and your followers attracted to your page. Let’s talk about a restaurant. Are you going to bring people to back to your restaurant by just shooting little snippets on social media about some of the specials you have going on? No, because you’ve got to put some kind of media into it. You’ve got to create quality graphics and display your food in the right fashion. That’s why a lot of big companies and chain companies hire professional photographers to take some of the pictures of their work. You want to have the consumer go there for that entree or that appetizer and have them keep coming back for those specials.

Stick to Your Roots

You also want to stick to your roots. What is your company all about? Is it all about the food that you serve, or is it about the culture and the atmosphere that you create in your restaurant or within your organization? You want to stick to your roots and make sure that your message is deliverable to your company because once you start to integrate those two things together and they start to intertwine, that’s when you’ll become successful. That’s when the brand image of the company and your personal brand image start to grow. That’s when individuals will start noticing your content.

About Alex Steblovskiy

Alexander G. Steblovskiy is the chief executive officer and founder of Oceanus Digital, a digital marketing agency in Boston focused on creating different digital marketing and branding strategies for law firms, financial accounting firms and medical commerce. Alex is also a chairman of the board of a non-profit organization, Empower 2 Play.

Alex is also a former executive producer for a Boston radio show that is the number one leading content publisher of entrepreneurial content. He worked and helped transition the show to internet radio where you can now tune into it worldwide with listeners in 32 different countries. Alex graduated from Lasell College in Newton, MA with a degree in International Business and Management, as well as a minor in Marketing and Psychology. He is a former professional rugby player.