Effective Ways To Increase Organic Traffic


A lot of business owners understand the great benefits of SEO and its potential to transform organic visitors to long-term customers. However, many of them do not fully understand how to use these benefits to their advantage.

Instead of giving hypothetical ways to increase organic traffic to a site. Here are some effective ways to help in the increase organic traffic.

Optimize for Personas, Not for Search Engines

Writing from a buyer’s perspective is important in helping you understand the perspective of your target audience. Creating content with educational qualities will resonate with the ideal buyers. Also, it can naturally help improve the SEO.

It is also important to know the keywords they use in search engines. Optimizing the search engine alone is useless.

Optimize the Website

After establishing a list of target keywords, owners are ready to optimize their websites. Keep in mind to use  language that both audience and search engines can understand. Utilize the keywords on the homepage, tags, header, meta-description and even in URL pages throughout the website. However, make sure to avoid keyword stuffing as you try to keep the website easy to navigate and organized.

Extend and Connect with Influencers

Nowadays, with different contents and social media platforms, influencers are popular. Make sure to find and build good relationships with influencers with the same niches as the business. It can be a great advantage to business too.

The price for each influencer depends on how many users follow them.  However, the good things about it is they can help you connect with various people within your same niche. This is also a great networking opportunity to build a  relationship with someone in your field and gives you the potential to work with them again.

Create YouTube Videos

Since YouTube is the largest video platform, posting videos there help you increase organic traffic for your site.  A single YouTube video can increase traffic by at least 300 percent.

When creating a post for the website, you can create a video that connects with the post. After you create the post, embed the video along with the actual post. Then add a link in the description box of the video.

It works well in increasing organic traffic. Since Google owns YouTube, relevant videos rank higher in google searches compared to other content. Adding video to a page can also keep visitors on a page longer.

The on-page time can help you increase ranks. Any links from YouTube videos can aid in building authority to the suite. Besides being the largest video platform, YouTube is a major search engine as well. So, when people search for something that Google can find, it will directly connect to YouTube.

Lastly, videos are great ways to add value to a site’s persona. There are times when it is much easier to show than to tell, especially when explaining high level concepts in a user-friendly way.

Creating a Noteworthy Content

To boost organic traffic, business owners must create noteworthy content that will grab the attention of webmasters and influencers. It means that when creating content on a specific topic, it should be the best piece ever created. Creating a good content will immediately boost the organic traffic. Also, it is beneficial in getting tons of social shares.

Use Long Tail Keywords

Don’t stick to just using popular keywords in the field of business. Make sure to use long tail keywords, or keywords that specifically connect to the service or product. After some time, search engines such as Google will identify the website or blog as the perfect relevant destination for a particular subject. These long tail keywords will help boost the content in search rankings and draw the ideal customers to the site.

Be a Contributor On Reputable Sites in the Same Industry

One of the best ways to promote a site is to become a guest blogger or contributor on  popular websites in your industry. Being a contributor can help the website gain the upper hand in communities they are trying to reach as well as potentially bring traffic to the site. Lastly, the backlink can positively impact the owner’s SEO.

However, blog owners must be careful in contributing to a site with low quality. It can potentially give a negative impact on the site. Therefore, owners should be very selective in choosing the sites.

Use Visual Content

There is a great potential increase in revenue with the help of video production tools, SlideShare presentations, and infographic designs. Besides creating videos, there are a lot of ways to use visual content to increase organic traffic.

Producing and designing infographics and SlideShare presentations can give assets to the site. Blog owners can include back links to articles and key resources. Also, visual content approaches various influences. There are tons of graphic design tools that will make the process easier and faster.

Social Media

Social media positively impacts SEO.  For example, social signals offer a critical factor to search engine ranking.

SEO and social media work hand-in-hand to increase organic traffic. First, Google is using Twitter to discover new content. Second, social shares help build links in a non-manipulated way. Third, shares from multiple sources also boost authority for blog posts. Google+ works perfectly with Google. Compared to technical SEO, Google pays attention to relevance.

The instruction of tweeting and tagging people is as easy as ABC. However, tagging people in tweets are not often done for business purposes. Tagging an important person when tweeting a content encourages that person as well as other consumers to click the link.

Blog owners just need to find people that tweet similar content with tools such as Buzzsumo then tag them in the tweets.

Lastly, in order to ensure an increase in social signals, be sure to include connect, share and follow buttons to the website. It is a way to let people know that the site is active on different social media platforms.


The list above are not the only possible methods to aid the increase in organic traffic. However, their success in the field is already tested. Increasing organic traffic should be part of the long-term plan of your website. It needs effort and consistency to  achieve strong, lasting results.


Author Bio

Iman Bahrani is part of the SEO Experts Brisbane. He is an expert in Digital Marketing. Iman also is the owner and CEO of SearchicalSEO.com.au. With passion and commitment, Iman has successfully learned a lot when it comes to SEO and Digital Marketing.